Thursday, January 23

Breakthrough upon Breakthrough

A few days ago during the annual prayer and fasting at my church, I shared with you that I strongly believed for a US visa grant and many others.

I was told by my small group leader before that when writing and praying for faith goals, it should be something I cannot do alone, something near to impossible if I rely on my own understanding and actions. So, I let go and let God. I humbly asked Him to impress in my heart what He wants me to do this 2014. I steadfastly wrote them one by one in my journal – shared one or two with my friends, prayer partners and on this little online space.  It was difficult to share something this personal here, opening up is a breakthrough in itself. Most of all, it was scary knowing that I can be judged or be face-palmed when it doesn't turn out to be as expected. But, I obeyed (with sweaty palms) because I know that my God is faithful, generous, mighty, deliverer and awesome! I stood in faith that whatever the outcome, it will be a testimony of my obedience to God and His faithfulness in my life. It was indeed a humbling experience. 

During Day 1 (of 5 prayer and fasting), Pastor Robert challenged us that if our faith goals are not answered by God, will we still fix our eyes on Him? It was totally a heart check-up for me. I was comforted by the passage and promise in Exodus 14:14 “For the Lord will fight for you, be still”. I prayed that He change my heart to see His goodness more than His blessings. 

Fast forward to Day 3, I was able to pay at the bank and finish my DS-160 form. To my relief, upon scheduling my interview I saw that there were available slots for the following week contrary to what others told me that it will take about a month or two. It must be the big guy up there! Woot!

A week after, my breakthrough day came. It was a beautiful, cool morning of January 16. I was scheduled for 7.30am but I was there as early as 5.30am. I didn't waste any time while waiting. I kept on seeking God. I kept on praying. I am grateful and will always be. That was the attitude I had - I chose gratitude over doubt or fear. Finally, I heard the Consul "You can wait for your visa to be delivered in 5 days. Congratulations. Safe travels!". I can't believe it ! I am ecstatic that moment and lasted for days up to now. I just uttered "Praise God. All the glory to You, only You".

Next question that popped into my mind is "How will I be able to finance this grand trip?" Remember my travel fund jar? Happy to report that it started to be filled with commission fees from hosting/event planning opportunities entrusted to me by my friends. Yay! I'm finally starting to get paid for things I love to do - it was a good affirmation also. 

Another breakthrough came - a financial provision! God is truly generous and blesses His children. I was told by my supervisor that my individual development plan is on to the next level. I will be assigned to another role which will be both challenging and rewarding. My current salary can be doubled! Yes, x 2! Of course, it will require a lot of time and effort but still... it is another opportunity that I have been waiting for all these years. My God is giving me unlimited possibilities!

Lastly, my story (particularly on how I got my US visa) is a testimony to a lot of people - to believe and let God. Many have heard the news. They shared their genuine happiness to me and allowed me to inspire/bless their life with mine. This is the greatest breakthrough above all - honoring God and ministering to people.

** I will share my full visa experience plus tips in my next post in the hope of helping others get theirs too without fear.

Glorifying God,


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