Sunday, July 20

Goodbye, blurry photos!

Yes, that's right. No more painful, not Instagram-worthy photos. Hehe! Although I did come back with professional photography skills, the dark blurry days are over.
When I started here, I've using my Ipod Touch and sometimes (when it decides to turn on) my point and shoot Canon camera. I did not complain (or you might) because they are the only equiptment I got in my attempt to document my daily musings. But, God has been so good to those who patiently wait like me. I mentioned in my comeback post that I've been doing side jobs as a party planner, and through my little earnings I was able to purchase my dream camera! Wait for it... it's Lumix LX7. I haven't figured it out yet but I'm pretty amazed at how this little thing can produce vivid photos plus it is really handy. If you're planning to get one, super sulit!!
Selfie #1
Super Lumix has a sidekick too. I now update my blog using my newly acquired Samsung Note3 :) You may see photos here that will be taken using this amazing gadget. I'm actually thinking to start a series here called "My Life According to my Smarterphone". Sounds good, eh? I promise to refrain from too much selfie ;)
Selfie #2
So there you go my friends.. embracing the changes in my life and here on the blog too. Cheers to betterment! Weee! Power hug!

Taking a leap higher,

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