Wednesday, August 14

I Kiss Hair Dyeing Goodbye

The first time I colored my hair was during my freshman year summer vacation. My persistent aunt want to "improve" my boring black hair. I think it went well even  the Principal invited me to her office as soon I came back to school. Yeah, my high school is conservative like that. Eeek!

From then on, I constantly searched and tested different brands of hair coloring. I dyed my locks most of the time due to lack of disposable funds for recently acquired need of dyeing. That resulted to a lot of horrifying & funny experiences. There are times I looked like a cartoon character. I just charge it to experience and dye my hair black again then repeat (face palm). Chemicals over chemicals. Soooo bad! 

Some worked in my favor right (haha depends on the lighting)? But the chemicals ruled over my then-shiny hair. It became brittle, frizzy, dry... name it! I thought I was being cool while sporting such an unhealthy hair because I can achieve the laid-back, quirky kind of hairstyle without too much care. 

Everything changed when I decided to live my life simply. I lessened the use of unnecessary chemicals and shifted to using organic/home-made goods including my toiletries. Another big deal for me is chopping off my long dead hair to start anew. I felt lighter and healthier. It feels good to have my naturally black hair back. I have saved myself from potential skin allergy/irritation and baldness. And not to mention, a significant amount of money due to frequent trips to the salon. Now, I only maintain my hair by washing it everyday with Human Nature Lush Vanilla Natural Shampoo and apply a leave-on treatment Hair Heros Intense Argan Oil. If you are into organic stuff too, maybe we could try home-made dry shampoo out over the weekend. It's always exciting to learn something new!
my new hair 

Lovin' au naturale hair,


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